Reopening of Ward Park
2 min read
Ward Park in 1977
After a break of 2 1/2 years due to re-development, Bangor Cricket Club welcomes its return to playing at Ward Park. However it is a somewhat different Ward Park from the occasion of the last game played there, in August, 1974. A new, bigger square has been laid and the outfield levelled. Although the old wooden pavilion still remains, a red-brick complex is nearing completion together with a spacious car park off the Gransha Road. It looks to have been worth the wait.
Two seasons away from home has been a strain on the Club and, indeed, on the other clubs of the Northern Cricket Union who have been most patient and generous in providing us with pitches. That we have survived two seasons of playing all our Section I fixtures away has been a tribute to the dedication and effort of our players. Perhaps now with the return of our own ground we can hope to offer a serious and sustained challenge to our more successful opponents.
To mark the re-opening of Ward Park Bangor Cricket Club has organised a busy and comprehensive programme of matches that will keep the Ground Committee fully occupied. At one end we have the International star-studded Ground Opening on April 30th when we hope Test stars, Irish internationals and our own players will be involved. The Pavilion Opening is scheduled for June 8th (provisionally) when the NCU President’s XI will provide the opposition. In July we have an exciting Cricket Week featuring a wide range of events. Further down the scale there is a full programme of Youth cricket including a new venture, a Primary Schools Cup competition. A look at the fixture list will indicate that there is something for everyone, player and spectator alike, at Ward Park this season.
Message from the Chairman
On behalf of the Committee of Bangor Cricket Club I should like to thank all those who have lent their support to our celebration of the return of cricket to Ward Park — to North Down Council who have provided such magnificent facilities; to Messrs. Laing, Markey & Lyness, Insurance Brokers, for their help towards financing the Irish XI game on April 30th; to EIJ Sports of Lurgan for generously providing equipment for that match; to Harris, Marian & Co. Ltd., for providing Man-of-the-Match sponsorship; to all those who have advertised in this brochure; and to all other individuals and businesses who have given financial assistance.
To all who come to play or watch at Ward Park this season, and to all friends of Bangor Cricket Club, our best wishes for an exciting, warm and enjoyable 1977 cricket season.
H. Conn McCall
Bangor Cricket Club