January 31, 2025

Subs Reminder for 2021 Season

1 min read

Dear Bangor Cricket Club Member, an email has been previously sent out by Seb Mingout (Honorary Membership Secretary) to all Cricket Club Members to confirm that the Cricket Club Membership Subscription for the 2021 Season is now due for renewal.

The Cricket Committee has put a lot of hard work into meeting specific criteria set by the NCU to allow Cricket to be played at Bangor Cricket Club and we are pleased to confirm that there will be cricket matches played by all Four Cricket Teams this season. We are very keen to get the maximum numbers of members training and playing in 2021. Selection Priority for all Teams in 2021 will be given to those Players who regularly attend Training each week during 2021.

Please note that Training will only be available for all those members who have paid their “sub” for the 2021 Season. All Subs will need to be paid by the 1st July 2021.

The club has considerable underlying outgoings and relies heavily on subscriptions as the backbone of all income, hence the request that we support the club through our annual subscription.

Should any Cricket Club Member have any questions or queries, then please contact the Club Chairperson Jeremy Stewart – jmstewart670@gmail.com or our treasurer Stephen Burns – stephen.burns17@btinternet.com

Best wishes,
Bangor Cricket Club